
The emergence of tablets in school as a tool for learning, has led to eBooks becoming a popular means of accessing data and more.   In a school environment, eBooks offer a rich multimedia experience that can enhance the reading of a book through the inclusion of narration, animation, and a dictionary, within the text.

The Grade 3 classes at Glenburnie School recently visited the Canadian Warplane Museum and used this experience to create their own eBooks. The students worked in pairs to tell the story of their day, weaving in elements of strong sentence structure and voice trait, as well as accessing photographs from the cloud to illustrate their publications.  The end result was a collection of entertaining books that were made available for the parents to download onto their own tablets or personal devices.  The book writing process expanded the students’ learning beyond the classroom’s walls.

Glenburnie educators strive to provide their students with cross-curricular experiences, and the eBooks activity was a perfect example of combining technology, science, art, and language.