
Inquire Today

We’re here to help you find the right school for your child.

Innovative programs. Supportive environments. Thriving children.

Choose your selected school(s) below and we’ll be delighted to provide all of the information you need to make an informed choice.

Inquire Now

What schools are you interested in? (Please check up to five high-priority schools.)

11 + 12 =

Key Questions To Ask

  • What are the facilities and grounds like?
  • Is it important for the school to be single-gender or co-educational?
  • Is the size of the school important?
  • What is the goal for your child’s long-term education?
  • Is university preparation a priority?
  • How interested are you in providing support and time to your child in terms of homework and extra-curricular activities?
  • Do you need and do they offer an extended-day program?
  • Would you prefer a school that offers Individualized Educational Programs (IEP) and support?
  • What is the school’s mission, values and philosophy?
  • Does the school have religious affiliations?
  • Is the school’s proximity to your home important? Is there transportation available?
  • Are you interested in a traditional educational approach, or do you want a Montessori foundation?

Private School Benefits

class lecture with three students icon

Smaller classroom settings
in safe, nurturing environments
in which to learn
and grow

runner crossing finish line icon

Enriched programs in the arts, music, athletics and languages to uncover hidden talents and complement a solid academic foundation

adult reading to child icon

Enthusiastic, highly-engaged and
accessible teachers with a passion
for their subject areas and
a student-centred focus

brain with lightbulb icon

An environment dedicated to
the intellectual, physical, social
and emotional needs
of all students

finger tapping on tablet device icon

Resources and facilities that
support continued advancements
in learning while engaging
new technologies

hand holding document icon

Autonomy and flexibility to
implement effective policies
and innovative approaches to
teaching and learning

Independent School Locations

Hover over a marker to view the school information.